Wednesday, September 3, 2008


The book I am listening too, and things I have read lately, have lead me to think a lot about free agency and how important it is to us as human beings. I believe when choices are taken from us we feel angry and trapped, possibly even depressed and hopeless. There have been times in my life where I felt like I had no choice but to do what I was doing. Those were the darkest and most hopeless times of my life. It not only affected me, it also affected those I lived and worked with. I understand we have to have laws and, by nature, some of those laws must limit our choices. When our choice harms someone else, or limits their choices the concessions have to be made. Some choices have legal consequences, some have moral consequences but all choices have consequences. Just because I believe something is right, or wrong, does that give me the right to force that same belief on someone else, thereby taking their choice away?

I am trying so hard to make sense of this gay marriage debate that is ongoing. I am trying to understand the anger, the bitterness, the fear it is generating. The rifts it is causing in communities, churches and families. I still can't grasp it. I understand some people believe it is morally wrong. I have no problem with that. I, personally, don't believe it is morally wrong but I understand there are those who do. What I don't understand is what it is turning people into. Are people hateful and fearful by nature and this is just a convenient outlet for it? Man, I hope that is not true.

I will be glad when the election is over. Maybe churches will return to a safe place, a place where all can go to be uplifted and feel loved. Maybe people will stop campaigning against someone else's right to happiness and a legally protected family. Maybe people will stop thinking that giving a right to someone else somehow takes rights away from them. My fear though is that this has created a divide that will be hard to cross. And it all seems so unnecessary to me . . .


John Gustav-Wrathall said...

Wow, do you feel this election season is really poisoning the atmosphere in churches that much? It is sad if that is the case... Don't we have to learn how to care for each other, even when we are dealing with painful disagreements?

We can choose to do that, even when others aren't! Amen to your thoughts about agency... We just have to take responsibility for what we can do and let go for the rest.

Jay said...

Your question has made me stop and think about the election poisoning the atmosphere in church. Most of what I read are comments posted on the internet to opinion articles, blogs, etc. I think one thing I didn't take into consideration is that this is a very anonymous atmosphere. People say things here they probably would never dream of saying in public or voicing in church. Somehow though, I don't think you can have that much bitterness and anger in your soul and not have it affect other areas of your life.